
The Advantages Of The Ion Detox

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2015-03-26

    The health and life of the people lie on the volume of electricity in body. If a healthy person, he or she should be taken with 80% negative electricity (usually said negative ions) and 20% positive electricity (usually said positive ions). But the human body is like a giant magnet that attracts and holds onto toxins. Heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, disassimilated proteins, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid and the vast array of chemicals that pervade our water, air and food attach themselves ionized form to joints, organs arteries, nerves and tissues. These toxins disrupt normal body functions creating an environment for disease, allergies, and immune system problems.

    Ion generating technology has been around for several decades. It is this technology that is the secret to success in the Ion-Cleanse process by using an alternating positive and negative ion charge during the same treatment. This important discovery now makes it possible to remove unwanted toxic material from everyone regardless of the electrical charges the toxin may hold. Ions are charged atoms that have gained or lost an electron, which causes them to set up a magnetic field capable of attracting and neutralizing oppositely charged particles and pulling them out of the body through a process called osmosis.

    Osmosis is a scientific term used to describe the movement of particles through a cellular membrane from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. The lower concentration in this case refers to the ion field set up by the system in the water. Often times it is possible to reduce pain, swelling, edema and other symptoms caused by a long-term life style and a chronic toxic buildup in the body. The long term effectiveness of the detoxification process depends on the other life-enhancing and life style changes that the patient is willing to make.

    Often using the ion detox foot spa, you can better use the advantages of ion detox, to protect human health.

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