
Application Of Metatron Hunter 4025 In Gall Tumors

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2016-06-23

    Application of radiological method of diagnostics (CT and MRI) at cholangiocarcinoma allows to detect a dilation of intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts, but it is much more difficult to visualize tumor itself, density of which is the same as density of liver. The advantage of these diagnostic methods is that they allow to evaluate spreading of tumorous process to surrounding tissues and organs with a greater reliability.

    To evaluate level and parameters of bile-excretory ducts stricture, invasive methods of diagnostics are usually used: ERCPG, PTCG, operative cholangiography and biopsy. Still, even after these complex studies, it is not always possible to define a character of an obstruction in common hepatic or common bile ducts.

    At development of cholangiocarcinoma, as well as at any other types of obstructive jaundice and accompanying cholangitis, biochemical parameters of blood prove development of cholestatic jaundice.

    Levels of total and conjugated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase may be very high. Variation of indices reflects incomplete obstruction or involvement of only one duct. At acute obstruction increased activity of transaminase may be registered. It should be noted that great compensatory abilities of a liver provide preservation of its functioning at the early stages of tumor development.

    Application of 3D NLS-graphy with metatron hunter 4025 allows to: reveal etiological reason of bile ducts affection more accurately; evaluate spreading and intensity of bile ducts damage; evaluate relation of pathological nidi to vessels (branches of portal vein and hepatic artery) and surrounding structures; choose treatment tactics and decide about possibility of radical or nonradical surgical intervention. High resolution at three-dimensional NLS-ultramicroscanning allows to visualize small objects accurately. Application of metatron hunter 4025 helps to evaluate morphological character of tumorous affection of tissues and organs, which influences choosing of further treatment.

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