
New System (Metatron 4025 Hunter) For NLS-researches And Ovarian Cancer

Author:Admin3080  UpdateTime:2017-02-06

    In spite of recent decades achievements in treatment of certain forms of malignant tumors, ovarian cancer (OC) is still a disease with quite unfavorable prognosis for it. As a rule ovarian cancer diagnosed at III – IV stage; at this time 5 year survival rate is approximately 27% and 16% correspondingly. That is why discovery of OC early detection new methods is very urgent now.

    For the first time we carried out evaluation of OC screening by means of NLS-examination in combination with ultrasound research role in 2001 – 2003. We found out that such screening program may provide survival rate increasing. However since that time transvaginal ultrasound research became widely spread and ultrasound data interpretation methods were updated; new systems (metatron 4025 hunter) for NLS-researches with digital trigger sensors were created – it allowed us to apply new method of continuous spiral scanning during screening procedure. All these changes resulted in considerable increasing of studies accuracy. Therefore there is need in new studies of OC screening.

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