
NLS-research Of New Bioplasm Device For Crohn’s Disease

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2018-08-20

    Crohn’s disease – is a chronic recurrent disease of a gastroenteric path of unclear aetiology, characterised by transmural segmentary distribution of inflammatory process with development of local and system complications. The problem of this disease constantly draws researchers’ attention to it due to growing of disease incidence for last 3 decades. Growing of disease incidence, primary affection of young able-bodied persons, serious complications leading to early physical inability, all these aspects make this problem not only medical, but social one. All this explains an urgency of profound studying of this disease. Location and extent of pathological process in an intestine, activity of disease, presence of complications have a great importance for definition of medical tactics at Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease proceeds wavy, with alternation of the periods of an aggravation and remission. The information about degree of inflammatory process activity can help with adequate treatment of these patients. At Crohn’s disease it is difficult enough to identify degree of the process activity, as the condition of a patient depends not only on expressiveness of the process in intestines, but also on the presence of accompanying complications, such as infiltration, abscess, fistulas, strictures, and even on a psychological condition of a patient.

    To identify Crohn’s disease degree of activity a Best’s index is used. Except Best’s index there are also conditional biological markers of expressiveness of inflammatory process, such as C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, number of platelets, fibrinogens, and also endoscopic and contrast methods of research. However instrumental methods of investigation have the lacks related to a risk of disease aggravation during preparation for given inspection and an irradiation. NLS-diagnostics method has no such flaws.

    The researches have shown high informativity of a method at oncological diseases of intestines. Possibilities of NLS-graphy at Crohn’s disease in diagnostics of process location, revealing of complications, definition of process activity were never studied, according to our data.

    For the first time NLS-research of intestines has been fulfilled by T. Kuznetsova et al. in 2000 in order to develop NLS differential diagnostics of timorous affections of distal parts of large intestine.

    Therefore there is a necessity to study real possibilities of NLS research method in diagnostics and differential diagnostics of Crohn’s disease of large and small intestine, with application of new technologies of modern diagnostic bioplasm devices.

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