
NLS With Bioplasm NLS Of Thorax Is Highly Informative Method Of Lung Abscesses Diagnostics

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2018-09-17

    The most frequent complication of lung abscess was formation of bronchopleural fistula with development of empyema and pyopneumothorax, in certain cases accompanied by thoracic wall phlegmon and thoracal fistula.

    The most favorable outcome of lung abscess is a complete collapse of a cavity with development of nidal fibrosis. As a stage of cicatrizing cavity an abscess looked like a small (less than 4 cm) parietal nidus with typical irregular or star-like shape, uneven serrate contour and heterogeneous structure because of short achromogenic air signals with prevailing hyperchromogenic background. At complete cicatrization of a cavity on its place we detected remaining small subpleural hypochromogenic area of irregular-shaped sclerosis, with uneven contours and significantly decreased or absent respiratory mobility. Less favorable outcome is formation of residual achromogenic air cavity similar to false cyst.

    NLS with bioplasm nls of thorax is highly informative method of lung abscesses diagnostics, allowing to identify a stage and character of suppurant process, evaluate spontaneous draining of destruction cavity and rate of its separation from pulmonary tissue. At dynamic monitoring this method allows to evaluate efficiency of conservative treatment and define indications for surgical intervention, and to identify possible complication in proper time. NLS of thorax should be more extensively introduced into clinical practice of specialized departments of thoracic surgery, therapeutic and surgical in-patient hospitals.


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