
NLS-methods By Metatron 4025 Hunter For Pancreatic Diseases

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2018-12-11

NLS-methods by Biophilia NLS in modern diagnostics of pancreatic diseases. On the basis of analyzed research data of more than 300 patients have come to conclusion that the response level of NLS-research in diagnostics of pancreatic cancer in three-dimensional mode reaches 92.6%, specificity – 98.8%. Comparison of informativity levels of 3D NLS and CT has revealed that response level of NLS-research in diagnostics of pancreas head cancer was 89.7%, specificity – 98.0%, when response level of CT was 85.7%, specificity – 87.1%.

Modern methods of NLS-scanning – ultramicro-scanning, spectral-entropic analysis, three-dimensional reconstruction of organs – allow to gather additional information about a structure of a tumor, extent of retro-pancreatic vessels and lymphnodes involvement into a pathological process, which is quite important for planning of surgical intervention. Accuracy of NLS with ultramicro-scanning and SEA in detection of tumorous invasion at pancreatic cancer is 89 – 98%. A comparative analysis of common NLS-data and ultramicro-scanning with SEA data has proven unquestionable advantage of new technologies in representation of pancreas structure.

Another important advantage of the new NLS-technologies is a possibility to visualize affected retro and intrapancreatic vessels. Scanning in NLS-ultramicro-angio-graphy mode makes possible to acquire precise information about condition of pancreas parenchyma micro-vascularisation. Application of three-dimensional reconstruction allows to get precise spatial image of vessels, including those in space-occupying mass. Differential diagnostics of pancreatic cancer and pseudo-tumor-like pancreatitis was highly reliable at application of SEA. Prospect of the NEW NLS-technologies application we relate to simultaneous acquisition of multidimensional images a gland’s parenchyma and vessels. Virtual programs promote transferring of high-quality three-dimensional pictures with required prospective and any scale.

Thus computed NLS-technologies give conceptually new diagnostic information about patients with space-occupying masses in pancreas.

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