
Applications Of Metatron Hunter 4025

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2016-09-05

    Application of vegeto-test allows to simulate a degree of possible correction with various therapeutic agents and to create an individual program for organism restoration in real time mode.

    Application of Meta-therapy provides optimization of functional state of specific biological models in real time mode, but when it is applied in “destruction” mode, it suppresses functional state of microorganisms by creating of high-voltage torsion fields in them.

    Application of multiple factor analysis (spectral-entropic analysis) allows to evaluate quantitative presence of separate chemical and biochemical agents in a certain environment. Within the given range of upper and lower values the system carries out 7-step ranged evaluation of separate elements in relation to the chosen model (it can be an organism, an organ, a tissue and so on).

    The system evaluates entropy degree of interatomic bonds in complicated molecules of albuminous compounds and thus shows the level of their functional capabilities or the level of potency.

    Metatron Hunter 4025 may be used in clinics and in private practice rooms. It is reasonable to use the system in sports and military medicine, in homeopathic and psychological practices, enviroment protection programs and many others.

    Using of the system allows to make a diagnoses at the levels of a molecule and the whole organism, to identify origins of a pathology (whether it was helminthes, microbes, fungi, viruses, allergy or other factors), to create adequate correction program with use of allopathic, homeopathic or phyto preparations, nutriceuticals and food products, to carry out real-time correction of a functional state of an organ, tissue or a cell by optimizing its spin vector balance.

    On the basis of previously acquired vector parameters from particular organs, tissues or their regions, specific cells and their areas, the system can create original information preparations (so called metazodes) with direct effect.

    To create a metazode various models can be used as the source data, for example models of perfectly healthy conditions and pathological states, models of various etiological factors (microbes and so on), therapeutic agents (allopathy etc).

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