
Nonlinear (NLS) Medicine Of Metatron Hunter 4025 And Quantum-entropic Logic Theory

Author:Thomas  UpdateTime:2017-12-29

    Nonlinear (NLS) medicine of Metatron hunter 4025 is based on new physics of quantum-entropic interactions – quantum-entropic logic theory.

    These are the main postulates of this theory:

    The fact that information is a material category is acknowledged. Previously existing physical theories describing information interaction in environment (information theory of Claude Shannon, cybernetics of Norbert Wiener) regarded information as some mathematical abstraction, they described basic laws of information exchange, but did not reveal its physical essence. These theories did not explain interaction of principal categories of matter – mass, energy and information, also they did not explain appearance of basic information during process of scientific cognition.

    Quantum-entropic logic theory is the first theory revealing physical essence of information interaction and describing interaction of mass, energy and information.

    Conclusions of Quantum-entropic logic theory are the following:

1. Any material object of biological or non-biological nature increases its level of structural organization when it absorbs information from environment, i.e. it becomes more complex and stable.

2. Any material object of biological or non-biological nature decreases its level of structural organization when it loses information, thus it becomes Basic physics of NLS-diagnostics V.I. Nesterov less stable and more disorganized. For biological object loss of structural organization (information) means worsening of adaptive behavior, development of diseases and, finally, death of an organism.

3. There is always information noise around any destructing object which that loses information. The more intense destruction of biological object is, the more acute course of disease is registered and the higher level of information noise around that object. Therefore if we measure level of information noise around biological object we will be able to judge about degree of destruction speed in this object; and if we measure frequency properties of noise background we will learn what tissues in an organism were destructed and changed more than others, because every tissue in a living organism has its specific radiated spectrum different from the others.

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